EventBridge Setup
In this guide we are going to setup your AWS EventBridge to send EC2 related events to Gradient
You will need:
EventBridge Rules in the AWS console. You should have a default bus there already:
The Gradient workspace integration modal with the custom event pattern for EventBridge:
Unless specified you can use the default values from the AWS Console.
Start with clicking Create Rule in the AWS Console and let's go:
Step 1: Define rule detail
The only important settings here are Rule with an event pattern and your default bus, then click Next:
Step 2: Build event pattern
Under Event Source, select AWS events or Eventbridge partner events then scroll down to Creation Method:
Under Creation Method, select Custom pattern (JSON editor). You will need to copy the Event Pattern from the Gradient modal (from Step 2) and paste it under Event Pattern in the AWS console. Then click Next:
Step 3: Select target
Select EventBridge event bus and Event bus in a different account or Region, copy the bus ARN from the Gradient modal (from Step 3) and paste it under Event bus as target in the AWS console.
Click Skip to Review and create. You can add tags later if needed.
Step 4: Review and create
On this page you can review the rule settings entered previously, when done click Create rule to finish setting up the rule:
Once the rule is created go to the Gradient modal and complete the Databricks Workspace integration by clicking the Add button (or the Update button if you are editing an existing Databricks Workspace integration).
If you have any issues adding your workspace, or need to delete a workspace, please contact Sync at support@synccomputing.com. Deleting workspaces in Gradient will be supported soon.
Last updated