Auto-training notebook
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Gradient requires several iterations of your job to run before cost or runtime improvements can be observed. The fastest way to observe improvement is to run your Databricks job back-to-back several times.
The following steps should be performed after a job has been fully imported and on-boarded. If you have not done so, go back and complete the setup.
To assist with this, we provide a notebook users can directly import into a Databricks notebook via the Github link below:
Attach the notebook to any small compute resource. Run the first cell to generate the input fields up top which are:
Databricks Host
Databricks Job ID
Databricks Token
Sync API Key ID
Sync API Key Secret
Training Runs
Running the notebook will start the Job with the specified job-id and rerun it for the number of times in Training Run. Depending on the length of the job, the total time required to run the notebook will be: Training_runs*Job_runtime.
During or after the notebook is completed, go into the Gradient UI to see the final results!